The time is upon us. The time to talk about Spaying and Neutering your pet(s).
Speutering - as I am going to refer to it as - is a common subject that people generally think either applies to them or does not. The people that generally agree they should Speuter their dog is the owner of a mixed breed. While, yes, the mutts should be fixed - it doesn't stop there. Every last dog and cat in this country (and beyond - but lets stay focused here) should be sterilized and not allowed to breed.
Well, because every day in the United States, thousands upon thousands of puppies and kittens are born because of the uncontrolled breeding of pets. Add to that number the offspring of stray and abandoned companion animals, and the total becomes even more staggering. Every year, between six and eight million dogs and cats enter U.S. shelters; some three to four million of these animals are euthanized because there are simply not enough homes for them.
If I tell you to Speuter your dog you may ask:
-Even if my dog is a purebred with a beautiful glowing AKC Pedigree?
Yes. Those AKC Papers mean diddly - and I will fight you on that point. Besides purebreds make up at least one out of every four pets brought to animal shelters around the country. There are just too many dogs —mixed breed and purebred. Period.
-Even if he's so handsome and well behaved and I know he would make wonderful puppies?
Yes. Doesn't mean the puppies will be. Even those who follow generations of bloodlines can't guarantee they will get just what they want out of a particular litter. In fact, an entire litter of puppies may just receive all of a pet's (and her mate's) worst characteristics.
-Even if she is very nurturing and I feel like she wants to be a Mamma?
Yes. Your dog is a dog, get her a squeaky toy.
-Even if my child needs to experience the miracle and beauty of the Circle of Life?
Yes. Let her watch A Baby Story on TLC - for the love! Besides, what if your pet dies 1/2 way through the delivery? Wouldn't that be a beautiful lesson about the Circle of Life? In any event, the chances of your child actually witnessing the birth is unlikely, since it generally occurs at night and in seclusion—the lesson they will really learn is that animals can be created and discarded as it suits adults. Instead, it should be explained to children that the real miracle is life and that by preventing the birth of some pets you can save the lives of others!!
-Even if I don't want my dog to get fat?
Yes. Dogs get fat because they have lazy owners who don't exercise them enough and feed them too much (and generally poor quality foods)!
-Even though I heard that its best to let them have one litter?
Yes. In fact, the opposite is true. Females that are sterilized before their first heat are typically healthier. Many veterinarians now sterilize dogs as young as eight weeks of age.
-Even if I KNOW I can find homes for all the puppies?
Yes. What about those puppies' puppies? And the puppies' puppies' puppies? You may find homes for all of your pet's litter. But, as I've said before, each home you find means one less home for the dogs in shelters who need good homes. The problem of pet overpopulation is created and perpetuated
-Even if my dog is a great guard dog, and I don't want that to change?
Yes. Speutering will not affect a dog's natural instinct to protect home and family. A dog's personality is formed more by genetics and environment than by sex hormones.
- Even though I don't think I couldn't take his balls from him? That ain't right!
Yes. Pets have zero concept of sexual identity or ego. Neutering will not change a pet's basic personality. He doesn't suffer any kind of emotional reaction or identity crisis when neutered. Lets stay away from anthropomorphizing our dogs, boys!
-Even though I know I could charge $1000+ for each puppy?
Yes. Yes, YES! I can't believe people can still think they can make money off of puppies!! The cost of breeding will completely overshadow any profits you think to make. Among other things, the puppies need their first shots before going to their new homes, the mother needs frequent check-ups, and heaven forbid if something goes wrong.
Which it inevitably WILL! You will NOT make money off of your puppies.
By Speutering your dog, you will ensure that it will be healthier, happier, and less likely to roam in search of a mate. Additionally, by making sure that your dog can't produce puppies you'll have peace of mind that his or her offspring won't be euthanized in an animal shelter.
Do the right thing... "Don't be a Dick."